eProperty – Online Property Management Portal

eProperty is an Online portal through which a user can access information and manage all the adding, updating, deleting of assets and some of its tasks.

The Admin user can change and update information regarding property selling, buying and cancellation. The system is very useful for the companies who develop and rent apartments, hotels, villas, residential properties and commercial properties. Companies or individual agents can also advertise their property.

Key Features:

– The Online Management System is an advanced solution for a stand-alone, which will be accessible from anywhere, be it from laptops, tablets, phones or desktops.

– Users (of the system) manage all the properties and land and buyers are able to identify those that are available for sale, their details and purchase plans and buyers are able to secure and purchase the untaken, by registering to the system and deciding on the best payment plans they are willing to be under.

– Registration is also free of cost. So user can register by using the eSystem then Buy the property & verify them. The sales team is notified once a potential buyer visits the system.

Note: A more detailed write-up of the system is available upon request to the email info@megalink.co.ke or via the contact us form on our website.
Product website/Online Portal: www.epropertykenya.com

eProperty Product Website
